As two parallel lines to infinity run
So my love for you doth lead nowhere
Neither the apex of a triangle
Nor the intersection of a square
But x is y, then y plus one.
As the salmon upstream makes its way
Expiring ere its goal is reached
So my love for you, 'twas all in vain
Fate's current strong it never breach'd
And now must die, at close of day.
As Orpheus turned at Hades' gate
And Eurydice his bride forsook
That selfsame way I glanced behind
With you in mind, to take a look
To find no one, a worser fate.
Math doth show our paths ne'er crosss
And Nature bids us find new mates
The Fates with traitors do conspire
When you do this unlucky tale relate
Set you down my deepest, darkest loss
For just as four lines out of five
Rhyme with rhythms strong and true
So the couples on this earth
With faith and hope and love renew
Their sacred vows, their bliss-blessed lives.
But line three, though ring'd with love
His wretched knell must peal alone
Like longing, love-lost trobadour
He echoes loud his lonesome tone
And thus he toils till called above
Or till he finds his paramour.
Written while taking countless bus rides on the 156. In an era past, it might have referred to some unfortunate female specimen; now, it is an ode to my lovelorn brethren around the globe.
As two parallel lines to infinity run
So my love for you doth lead nowhere
Neither the apex of a triangle
Nor the intersection of a square
But x is y, then y plus one.
As the salmon upstream makes its way
Expiring ere its goal is reached
So my love for you, 'twas all in vain
Fate's current strong it never breach'd
And now must die, at close of day.
As Orpheus turned at Hades' gate
And Eurydice his bride forsook
That selfsame way I glanced behind
With you in mind, to take a look
To find no one, a worser fate.
Math doth show our paths ne'er crosss
And Nature bids us find new mates
The Fates with traitors do conspire
When you do this unlucky tale relate
Set you down my deepest, darkest loss
For just as four lines out of five
Rhyme with rhythms strong and true
So the couples on this earth
With faith and hope and love renew
Their sacred vows, their bliss-blessed lives.
But line three, though ring'd with love
His wretched knell must peal alone
Like longing, love-lost trobadour
He echoes loud his lonesome tone
And thus he toils till called above
Or till he finds his paramour.
Written while taking countless bus rides on the 156. In an era past, it might have referred to some unfortunate female specimen; now, it is an ode to my lovelorn brethren around the globe.
HELLO. i know this poem! post your dota one!
Miss Fors, at 9:37 AM
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